Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Ever Been On A MINIMALIST HOUSE TOUR? I Bet It Didn't Have What We Found In This Tour? After Seeing What We Discovered ON THE ROOF, Comment On This Video If You've Ever Come Across Something As Crazy? As Expats In Mexico, We've Been To All Types Of AirBnB Since We Arrived. This One Tops The Charts When It Comes To What You're Going To See Around 5 Minutes Into The Video. Do You Even Know What A Minimalist Is? Have You Ever Heard About Minimalist Living Before? If So, This Video Will Shock You. Why Am I So Confident? Well, I've Watched All Of The Minimalism Videos On Youtube. OTHER RELATED/SUGGESTED VIDEOS TO MINIMALIST HOUSE TOURS: Life Simplified by Mai - Minimalist Home Tour | Minimalism Journey - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0cKTdyduSM&t=293s - SUBSCRIBE TO THEIR CHANNEL - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClO1Rthgwppztuesz-sBV1w The Minimalists - Minimalist Home Tour | Joshua Fields Millburn - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KS6WHpP5iI SUBSCRIBE TO THEIR CHANNEL - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbFiBwMYMXAqifXF4xo5Uw MINIMALISM DEFINITION AND SYNONYM: Simple living encompasses a number of different voluntary practices to simplify one's lifestyle. These may include, for example, reducing one's possessions, generally referred to as minimalism, or increasing self-sufficiency. Simple living may be characterized by individuals being satisfied with what they have rather than want. Although asceticism generally promotes living simply and refraining from luxury and indulgence, not all proponents of simple living are ascetics. Simple living is distinct from those living in forced poverty, as it is a voluntary lifestyle choice. Adherents may choose simple living for a variety of personal reasons, such as spirituality, health, increase in quality time for family and friends, work–life balance, personal taste, financial sustainability, frugality, sustainability or reducing stress. Simple living can also be a reaction to materialism and conspicuous consumption. Some cite socio-political goals aligned with the environmentalist, anti-consumerist or anti-war movements, including conservation, degrowth, deep ecology, and tax resistance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_living #MinimalistHouseTour #MinimalistHomeTour #MinimalistHome #MinimalistHouse #MinimalistLiving #Minimalist #Minimalism via IFTTT

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